Thank you for choosing JB Tools. JB Tools is an online tool warehouse. We do not have any technical information on products, cannot provide product comparison information, and cannot answer questions regarding any specific manufacturer’s product specs.
Use our self-service returns portal to create your own UPS label for product returns:
For Product Information, Specs, Comparisons, Warranties, and Inquiries
For detailed information on products, please visit the manufacturer website or contact them directly. For your convenience, we have listed some of the most popular tool brand manufacturers website contact page.
Most Popular Manufacturer Contact Information
For Placed Order Information, Refunds, and All Other Inquiries
To contact us regarding your placed order, please complete the form below. You may also contact us directly by email at
JB Tools on Amazon, Ebay and Walmart
If you have already placed an order on Amazon, eBay or Walmart, please send us a message through the platform where you placed your order. Please be aware that phone support may not be available.
JB Tool Sales Incorporated
31720 Plymouth Road
Livonia, MI 48150